Monday, June 4, 2012

Miss us?

You may have noticed a little bit of absence from us as of late. We can explain.

We've been eating. Everything in sight. I've been avoiding writing a blog post because I feel super blah, and blech, and blergh lately. Then, my friend Erin over at - The Fat Skinny Gal told me to shut up and just write about it. So, I am.

Relapse. Food relapse, and man has it been good. Pizza - chips - bread - bread - candy - bread.

Did I mention bread?

Normally when this happens it doesn't take me too long to snap out of it, but this time it's proving to be difficult. It could be that it's June now and I can count on one hand the number of sunny days we've had since "summer" started. It could be that I have been working a lot of extra hours and events and can't fathom going anywhere but home after work so that gym has been the furthest thought from my mind. It could be that I have been brainwashed by the local bakery and Little Debbie into buying and eating all of their goodies.

Or, it could be because I am just in a funk and can't get out of it. What do I do now? I guess the better question is, what do you do? What do you do when you can't get your hand out of the donut box, or when watching all of your DVR recordings trumps going to the gym?

Tell me. Please.

I'll just be over here...maybe doing this.
Probably doing this.
Or drinking gravy.